hassan المدير العام للمنتدى
عدد الرسائل : 105 العمر : 33 الموقع : fcb.max.st تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2008
| موضوع: Genral Removal العلاج لفايروس Mobezat.B /Zpharaoh.exe + tazebama.dll + hook.dll الخميس مايو 29, 2008 1:53 pm | |
| العلاج لمن يعانون من فايروس Mobezat.B /Zpharaoh.exe + tazebama.dll + hook.dll
مميزات البرنامج Genral Removal
انه لا يحتاج لا لسيريال ولا لاي كي فقط يحتاج الى تحديث
What Genral Removal Can Clean is : Fujacks.A + AN : nvscv32.exe - game.exe - spoclsv.exe + الانتشار بملفات التطبيقات W32.Bah.A : shell.exe - 425D8586.exe - 425D8586.dll W32.Chines.A : host.exe - copy.exe - temp2.exe - temp1.exe - svchost.exe - xcopy.exe W32.Chi.VB: autorun.bat - autorun.reg - autorun.vbs - autorun.exe - autorun.inf W32.CTC.A : ctfmon.exe W32.Hec.A : Desktop.exe - services.exe - snddrv.exe W32.Risk.A : Nodfix.exe - driveinfo.exe - driveinfo.log - inetsrv.exe Trojan.Kpass.A: sxs.exe - svohost.exe W32.QQPass.A: tweojd.exe - tweojd.dll - sxs.exe W32.Rose.A : rose.exe - systemfile.com Trojan.Shipli: ldup.exe - infrom.exe W32.SillyFDC : autorun.exe - wincfgs.exe - kb20060111.exe W32.Sqchi.A : copy.exe - sqlserv.exe W32.Agent.FYS: INFO.exe - U.exe - svchost.exe - _u_.exe Brontok : cmd-brontok.exe - cmd-bro-nlx.exe - RakyatKelaparan.exe - bbm-urnmpijc.exe KesenjanganSosial.exe - At*.job - embty.pif - rvhost.exe Delfa.cc: (rnd).exe - (rnd).chm - (rnd).hlp w32.fooool.A: explorer.exe - fooool.exe w32.VB.CXI: boot.exe - lsass.exe - new folder.exe w32.VB.X.A: algssl.exe - msfir80.exe - msime80.exe - sal.xls.exe W32.Rays.AB: mstray.exe - runcomment.htt - runwinfile.exe - winfile.exe Vbs.zodgila: MS32DLL.dll.vbs W32.Ahost.A: antihost.exe - ahr.exe W32.ILAS|12: scvhsot.exe + recycler.exe + scvhost.exe - sscviihost.exe - SCVVHSOT.exe - SSVICHOSST.exe - hinhem.scr - scvhosts.exe - blastclnnn.exe - nhatquanglan18.exe -scvshosts.exe W32.VB.CJM : rundll.exe W32.AdobeR : adober.exe - Ravmonlog W32.Autorun.FT: jtrwonw.exe + lvblkbg.exe + meex.com + wuksftu.exe W32.Dmal.A : Folder.exe - Explorer.exe W32.PSW.Agent.dn|2 : utdetect.com - netde1ect.com - avpo.exe - avpo1.dll W32.VB.X.B : msime82.exe - fun.xls.exe- msfun80.exe -algsrvs.exe W32.P2P.VBT|3 :KB915865.exe + الانتشار بملفات التطبيقات W32.VB.BS|2 : ( blue star ) bs.pif + scvhost.exe + new.exe + 4sv.exe W32.Agent.dex :1_.ii + logogo.exe + setup.exe + + الانتشار بملفات التطبيقات W32.VB.X.C: SocksA.exe + FileKan.exe + algsrv.exe + tel.xls.exe W32.autorun.Fs|13: durjgxr.exe + umrsoux.exe + dlkphjj.inf + ssecbjf.exe + fdvwykv.exe + suambvm.exe + vwusefs.inf + eqrdrnr.exe + websrdu.exe + apgefvc.exe + gsvlnlo.inf + nluoyvq.exe + adgiygu.exe + bihwyym.exe + npsliqr.inf + jiejgvo.exe + kongxsg.exe + nqecmus.exe + lnnvkiq.exe + egrrgdk.inf + ipilrws.exe + cyvvfew.exe - ebvldhc.exe - hyxqhgh.exe - glwmjee.exe - lfkxaor.exe - ekrdjmc.exe - jqjdsat.exe irxjett.exe - jvouiko.exe - salbhfd.exe - irxjett.exe -ounddyh.exe - ivsgiih.exe - cjqqsol.exe - jmemavf.inf |+ gmsrrbr.exe + meex.exe + haubomi.exe + wbmooxd.inf + rlatebp.exe + wbmooxd.inf + juovibw.exe + btutjwt.exe + bdjbeku.inf + rhrejgq.exe + jvouiko.inf + boxovqw.exe + jvouiko.inf + nsnjair.exe W32.Agent.abt : svchost.exe + mdm.exe + ravmon.exe + svchost.ini W32.PSW.OnLineGames|67*:igxv.cmd + lkxcqdb.bat+jfvkcsy.bat + oq.cmd + tknn6.bat + gjn2pjlw.exe + 1weicxa.com + xpbkh.com + aub0wb8.cmd + cb.bat+ rthrw.com + h1dwg20.exe + h6o0re.cmd + i.exe + 188qsm.bat + n2de.cmd + uisvkqr.exe + ekugb3.bat + cfdflx.com + b.com + d6fagcs8.cmd + 8ng8w.com + v.com + u2.cmd + x6.bat + y82td3td.com + a3g3.bat + fppg1.exe + gumkrhf.bat + oufddh.exe + 3wcxx91.cmd + 0hct8ybw.bat + uxdeiect.com + i.cmd + h.cmd + 2ifetri.cmd + xn1i9x.com + dosocom.com + 1ce.cmd + zxavpw0.dll + u.bat + awda2.exe - ylr.exe - xo8wr9.exe - m1t8ta.com - tio8x6.cmd + 80avp08.com + amvo.exe + amvo0.dll + nideiect.com + xfoolavp.com + semo2x.exe + d.com + usdeiect.com + qd.cmd + juok3st.bat + t.com + 6.bat + xyw9tmdj.com + jiwsxh39.exe + f.exe + mvxm.cmd + ino6.com + v.cmd + pa39xth.cmd W32.PSW.OnLineGames.B|1:Kavo.exe + kavo0.dll + h2.com W32.Rbot.cqi : Random File name W32.Agent.ahj|5: auto.exe + random file name W32.Autorun.Abt|2 .rar:xmss.exe + Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe + Funny UST Scandal.exe + smss.exe + lsass.exe + killer.exe W32.QQPass.aom:winsn.exe + shovth.exe + trayicons.exe + winsos.exe + windisk.dll W32.autorun.aj : KB915865.exe W32.VB.bgo: sysrun.exe + m.dll + srv32 W32.Agent.cyt: Regscan.exe W32.AutoRun.cb|3:isass.exe - sys.exe - ComSys.dll - killall.bat W32.AHKHeap.A: MicrosoftPowerPoint.exe + 2.mp3 + svchost.exe + script1.txt Win32.Agent..rar: Random file name W32.Shodi.A: إنتشار في ملفات التطبيقات Backdoor.Irc.ranm:b.exe + setup.exe + vbzip10.dll + taskmgr.exe VBS.Runauto.B: .vbs + .vbe W32.Disabler.I: flashy.exe + SystemID.pif W32.Delf.dw: smss.exe + lsass.exe + svchost.exe + Sexy Girls.scr + username_Fichiers.exe Trojan.Downloader.Fraudload.Ai:braviax.exe W32.Autorun.Ao:Knight.exe Trojan.Agent.AHFS:qnep.exe Backdoor.IRCBot.bza:spool21.exe w32.Xorer.eu:pagefile.exe + pagefile.inf + lsass.exe + smss.exe + dnsq.dll + netcfg.dll + netcfg.000 + randomfiles.log W32.PSW.OnlineGame.GEN|3:AVPSrv.exE + LotusHlp.exe + PTSShell.exe + PTSShell.dll + LotusHlp.dll + AVPSrv.dll W32.Agent.aec:soundmix.exe + zipexr.dll W32.AutoRun.pz:system.com + taskmger.com W32.Autorun.Czg:ise.exe W32.Autorun.ns:oeminf.exe + oeminfo.exe + rmv.exe + system_v.exe PSWTool.W32.YahooDump.A:NTDETECT.exe + UpDateWinc.exe + UpDateWind.exe W32.Fujack.Al:Ctfmont.exe + setup.exe + gamesetup.exe W32.VB.CK:lsass.exe + msconfig.exe + New Folder.exe W32.delf.bfu:OnlO0r.dll + OnlO0r.obk + OnlO0r.bak + Windows.scr W32.OnLineGames.abas:WSockDrv32.exe + WSockDrv32.dll W32.OnLineGames.acjm:svchost.exe + pcap Lib W32.OnLineGames.abxc:huifitc.exe + huifitc.dll W32.OnLineGames.abtl:lwsxwxtd.exe + wzyszplx.dll W32.OnLineGames.abtq:fiosectc.exe + fiosectc.dll W32.OnLineGames.achu:icisms.exe + ticisms.dll W32.QQPass.brl:Nt_Sys32.Sys + Nt_Win32.Jmp W32.OnLineGames.acch:anistio.exe + anistio.dll W32.Onlinegames.Abud:dndsioc.exe + dndsioc.dll VBS.Generic:killvbs.vbs + msvcr71.dll W32.delf.bfu:OnlO0r.dll + OnlO0r.obk + OnlO0r.bak + Windows.scr W32.Agent.mee: MSOCache\90000804-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9\lsass.exe + WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\lsass.exe W32.Mobezat.B:Zpharaoh.exe + tazebama.dll + hook.dll W32.AutoRun.dmh:isi32.exe W32.Autorun.Ads|1:com.exe + mk.reg + jac.bat W32.Downloader.Zlob:olgdqarf.exe + vadokmxt.dll + wdpoefan.dll + wxvgsdbq.exe VirusIsolator:VirusIsolator.exe W32.PSWOnLineGames.AO: kxvo.exe + fool0.dll + ieso0.dll W32.Agent.mnm : auto2.pif + mywork.exe + msvcrt.ax + igfxtray.exe W32.vb.rd :services.exe ما تقوم الأداة العامة بإصلاحه
Fix The Show Hidden files option : إصلاح خيار إظهار الملفات المخفية Fix and enable the TaskManger : إعادة إظهار مدير المهام Fix and enable The "Cmd": إصلاح امر موجه الأوامر Fix The "Folder Options": إعادة إظهار خيارات المجلد Fix and enable the "Regedit" : إصلاح أمر محرر تسجيلات النظام Fix the safemode reboot problem : إصلاح الإقلاع من الوضع الآمن some viruses disinfection
new command lines i : install to run on startup i2: install to run on startup + l2 scanning protection u: uninstall from startup a : auto scanning mode a2 : auto scanning mode + l2 scanning protection (inform user when autorun file detected in a removable disk. f : fast running mode (no splash window) ?: show help
(professionals only) : to show more options just type "yaman" on the main window of the general removal (and use it on your responsibility) البرنامج جربته انا ونجح عندي 100% وما اطولها عليكم اليكم الرابط http://www.yaman-tools.com/jsite/carackeb/General_Removal.rar
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